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ClubSpark Resources

Discover how ClubSpark can help grow your club with easy to use features including membership management, events, training sessions and much more.

ClubSpark not only saves you valuable time but it also supports the day to day running of your club. To find out more about how it can assist you and your club, please watch the below video.

Find below various videos and how to guides to help British Triathlon Affiliated Clubs with how to use and make the most of ClubSpark

Download a British Triathlon ClubSpark getting started guide by clicking the button below to learn how to get your club set up on ClubSpark. 





1.0 Profile Module

Profile module introduction - this video includes setting up a profile module and explanation of important information boxes.





2.0 Linking ClubSpark to your bank account

Take online payments for membership, training, events and much more - this video includes how to register with GoCardless and creating an account with Stripe.





3.0 Contacts Module

Contacts module introduction - this video includes starting ClubSpark with no contacts and adding additional contacts.






3.1 Contacts Module

Contacts module - this video includes creating a tag, adding contacts to a tag, and filtering contacts by tags.






3.2 Contacts Module

Contact module introduction - this video includes selecting contacts, emailing contacts, exporting contacts, and deleting contacts. 






4.0 Membership Module

Creating a membership package - this video includes explanation of important information boxes, fixed date memberships and date of purchase memberships.





4.1 Membership Module

Creating a confirmation message for members - this video includes explanations of membership module settings, adding a confirmation message and terms & conditions. 





4.2 Membership Module

Adding and importing members - this video includes adding members, making a contact a member, importing members to a membership package. 






4.3 Membership Module

Managing members - this video includes selecting members, emailing members, exporting members, and requesting payment. 






5.0 Training Module

Creating an ad hoc training course - this video includes setting class defaults, adding multiple classes, viewing your sessions. 






5.1 Training Module

Creating a recurring training course - this video includes setting class defaults, setting recurring patterns and length, viewing your sessions. 






6.0 Events Module

Creating an event - this video includes creating an event, adding activities and sessions, adding attendees, sending email reminders, publishing the event to your ClubSpark website.





7.0 Website Module

Creating your ClubSpark website - this video includes explanation of important information boxes, how to set up key pages, adding subpages and custom designs, editing website design, understanding the website settings.




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