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Coaching in the East Region

There are plenty of opportunities for coaches to develop their skills and experience in the East Region. The region assists in this by offering high quality courses on behalf of British Triathlon

British Triathlon offers 3 levels of accredited coaching qualifications

Full information is available in the British Triathlon coaching pages, but is summarised below. Additionally checkout the other courses that we are offering:-

The level 1 course provides the basic level assistant coach qualification and allows the coach to work with a level 2 or 3 coach to deliver triathlon coaching

The level 2 course is for a club level coach allowing for the coaching of 3 or more individuals in group sessions.

The level 3 course is for performance coaching to bring individually tailored coaching plans to high performing triathletes.

The links above provide information on the entry requirements to these courses (it is not always necessary to start at level 1).

Forthcoming Courses

The courses available for booking in the East Region and all other regions can be found here.

In addition to these courses, other regions also run courses; the overall list can be viewed via the British Triathlon course search.

If you have any questions relating to this area, please contact: lizzycampbell@britishtriathlon.org


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