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Search results (20)
Viridian Daventry Triathlon
Viridian Daventry Triathlon

9 September 2018 | East Midlands

The Viridian Daventry Triathlon is a sprint distance race, starting with a 400m swim in the Daventry Leisure Centre, followed by a 20km cycle section through the Northamptonshire countryside and finis...
Buttermere Triathlon
Buttermere Triathlon

8 September 2018 | North West

Swim Buttermere Lake, cycle up the challenging gradients of Whinlatter and Honister passes, run the trails around the beautiful shores of Crummock Water. This triathlon is possibly the most scenic in ...
Cadence Tri Junior Triathlon
Cadence Tri Junior Triathlon

8 September 2018 | Wales

The Cadence Tri Junior Triathlon is a brand new event in the Triathlon England North West Junior Series event calender. The event takes place at Buckley Leisure Centre utilising it 6 lane 25m pool. Th...
Chevet Woggle Sprint and Super Sprint (test event - invitation only)

8 September 2018 | West Midlands

A test event now open to any entrants interested.  Was previously for local entrants from Tewkesbury, Cheltenham, Evesham Vale, Worcester, Gloucester, Malvern and Redditch triathlon clubs and als...
Clacton Sprint & Super-Sprint Triathlon and Children's Duathlon
Clacton Sprint & Super-Sprint Triathlon and Children's Duathlon

8 September 2018 | East

Sprint and Super-Sprint Triathlons with an Open Water Sea Swim and off-road bike course followed by a flat out and back run along Clacton Seafront and Beach Promenades. The day of multisport events co...
GO TRI Bramley Baths

8 September 2018 | Yorkshire

A great way to tri a triathlon with our well established GO TRI event...A pool based swim, a 3 lap bike section on local roads and a run into and around Bramley Park to finish.The event is on Satuday ...
GO TRI Grantham #4
GO TRI Grantham #4

8 September 2018 | East Midlands

Aquathon open to ages from 8 upwards consisting of swim between 50m to 200m and run between 600m to 3km depending on age.This event is ideal for adults and juniors wishing to try out a multi sport eve...
GO TRI Hethersett Duathlon for Finnbar's Force
GO TRI Hethersett Duathlon for Finnbar's Force

8 September 2018 | East

On Saturday 8th September we're holding a Sports Day with something for everyone! The day will kick-off with the GO TRI Hethersett Duathlon, a taster for anyone interested in completing a triathlon. W...
Saundersfoot Triathlon
Saundersfoot Triathlon

8 September 2018 | Wales

This event is the day before Ironman Wales and is an ideal event for athletes visiting the area to support their friends and would like to go home with their own medal. A sprint distance event which i...
Woburn Abbey Triathlon
Woburn Abbey Triathlon

8 - 9 September 2018 | South Central

tri for life presents The Woburn Abbey Triathlon, set in one of the most spectacular locations in Bedfordshire. One of the UK’s most loved triathlons, it has become famed for its iconic venue and un...

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