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Search results (22)
2018 & 2019 ITU Sprint Distance Triathlon Qualifier (Draft Legal) - Eton SuperSprint Sunday
2018 & 2019 ITU Sprint Distance Triathlon Qualifier (Draft Legal) - Eton SuperSprint Sunday

20 May 2018 | South Central

The Eton SuperSprint triathlons are widely regarded as the official start of the UK triathlon season. Taking place at the fantastic Eton Dorney Lake, one of the iconic venues of the 2012 Olympic Games...
Arundel Lido Triathlon

20 May 2018 | South East

Probably one of the most picturesque & chilled out event settings in the UK for a pool based triathlon (heated outdoor lido). The town of Arundel is steeped in history and the race takes place under t...
Ashbourne Junior Aquathlon
Ashbourne Junior Aquathlon

20 May 2018 | East Midlands

The inaugural Ashbourne Junior Aquathlon will take place after the main open Triathlon and will form part of the East Midlands Junior Triathlon regional race series with a pool based swim followed by ...
British Triathlon Qualifier and Triathlon England Championships Southport Triathlon
British Triathlon Qualifier and Triathlon England Championships Southport Triathlon

20 May 2018 | North West

Now in its 7th edition the event has once again been included as part of the British Triathlon Major Events Programme, hosting;1. 2019 ETU Sprint Distance Qualifier (draft Illegal)2. 2018 ITU Standard...
Eton SuperSprint Sunday
Eton SuperSprint Sunday

20 May 2018 | South Central

The Eton SuperSprint triathlons are widely regarded as the official start of the UK triathlon season. Taking place at the fantastic Eton Dorney Lake, one of the iconic venues of the 2012 Olympic Games...
Flight Centre Schools Triathlon - Marlborough College
Flight Centre Schools Triathlon - Marlborough College

20 May 2018 | South West

This Team Triathlon event is a fun way for children and young people to be introduced to triathlon, whilst raising money for a great cause. The event will help raise funds for Restless Development and...
GO TRI Calne Aquathlon Spring Series 2018 - Race 4

20 May 2018 | South West

Aimed at providing a great introduction to multi-sport events the GO TRI Calne Aquathlon series provides a super sprint distance event in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. The location is safe and...
GO TRI Exmouth
GO TRI Exmouth

20 May 2018 | South West

This event is an ideal first triathlon with a 300m pool swim (breast stroke or front crawl & stop as often as you like) followed by a relatively flat bike 10K bike ride and then a flat 2.5K run out an...
GO TRI NE RFCA Cadet Aquathlon
GO TRI NE RFCA Cadet Aquathlon

20 May 2018 | North East

GO TRI event for members of the MoD Sponsored Cadet forces.The event is only open to cadets aged 18 years or older on 31 December 2018.Please note, this is event is not open to members of the pub...
GO TRI Skipton
GO TRI Skipton

20 May 2018 | Yorkshire

GO TRI Skipton is a 200m pool swim followed by a 9km bike route that is on the road that then finishes with a 2.5km run around paths in Aireville Park. Visit our website to find out more about the rou...

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