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Search results (7)
Clash of the Tritons
Clash of the Tritons

26 August 2018 | London

A perfect Aquathlon to smash a champion time!Based within the spectacular Charlton Lido and the surrounding park areas, this course has a 50m heated outdoor pool with the run course on tarmac paths.Or...
Darley Moor August Bank Holiday Duathlon
Darley Moor August Bank Holiday Duathlon

26 August 2018 | East Midlands

Now in it's fourth year we are pleased to present a traffic free Duathlon on the Darley Moor motor racing circuit. The event is ideal for anyone including novices. There will be a momento and plenty ...
GO TRI Clash of the Tritons
GO TRI Clash of the Tritons

26 August 2018 | London

A perfect Aquathlon to dip your toe into the world of multisport or to smash out a champion time!Based within the spectacular Charlton Lido and the surrounding park areas, this course has a 50m heated...
Melin Sospan Sizzler Middle Distance Triathlon
Melin Sospan Sizzler Middle Distance Triathlon

26 August 2018 | Wales

A Middle Distance Triathlon organised by a very experienced team of Triathletes. A 1.9km sea swim in the Burry Port estuary followed by a 90km challenging bike ride through some breathtaking Carmarthe...
Mid Sussex Tri Club Tri Fest 2018

26 August 2018 | South East

This is an annual low key event that is part of our club Best All Rounder competition. There is a sprint, a standard and a middle distance course to encourage members of all abilities to take part. It...
Mildenhall Tri - the Abbeycroft Leisure Triathlon Festival
Mildenhall Tri - the Abbeycroft Leisure Triathlon Festival

26 August 2018 | East

Mildenhall Tri brings triathlon to Mildenhall, with a pool swim, a fast, flat cycle, and a scenic run along the River Lark.
RNLI Burry Port Triathlon
RNLI Burry Port Triathlon

26 August 2018 | Wales

We have two distances on offer in 2018 - the Standard Distance and a NEW Sprint distance. This event won the Welsh Triathlon Event of the Year for 2013 and has already become one of the events of the ...

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