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Search results (12)
Carterton Triathlon

30 August 2015 | South Central

Olympic and sprint event Pool based swim (25m Pool) 20km cycle route (2 laps O) 5km Run Route (2 laps 0)
Daventry Sprint Triathlon 2015

30 August 2015 | East Midlands

The race takes place in Daventry with a 400m pool swim at Daventry Leisure Centre, followed by a scenic 20km bike ride in the local area and then a 5km run around Daventry Country Park. There are road...
Dorchester Dash Triathlon

30 August 2015 | South West

Now in its third year our novice friendly event takes you past the historical sites of Hardy's Monument and Maiden Castle. Based at our stunning new Dorchester Sports Centre, the event, much like near...
Framlingham Junior Triathlon

30 August 2015 | East

Junior event at Framlingham College grounds
GO TRI Alton

30 August 2015 | South Central

Triathlon 200m swim 11k bike 3k run
GO TRI Croydon Duathlon

30 August 2015 | London

This FREE duathlon is for those aged 16 years and over and aimed at those who are new to duathlons/triathlons. It will be held in an athletics arena (Croydon Arena) in South Norwood, Croydon. Enter vi...
Hertfordshire Triathlon Summer

30 August 2015 | East

The Hertfordshire Triathlon is organised by ATW Sun 30th August 2015, start time 07:00 am The event will feature: Standard distance triathlon (including Hertfordshire Championships!) Sprint distan...
London Fields Aquathlon

30 August 2015 | London

A super friendly race for first timers. Based in one of London's only outdoor heated 50m lido and adjacent parkland. There are 2 races for this event. A choice between a 100m swim followed by a 1km ru...
Lymington Triathlon

30 August 2015 | South Central

swim 500mtrs lido cycle 12.5miles run 3miles
Mid Sussex Tri Club Triathlon Festival

30 August 2015 | South East

Club Middle Distance Race for Club Members and Invited guests only

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