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Search results (369)
Tavistock Tri: The Squirrel - Cornish Tri Series
Tavistock Tri: The Squirrel - Cornish Tri Series

4 July 2021 | South West

Harry Potter meets triathlon in the wild and cragged Dartmoor National Park. Fall under the spell of ‘The Squirrel’ - spectacular Sprint, Super Sprint and Junior races await. Take a dip at Mount ...
Banana Triathlon
Banana Triathlon

3 July 2021 | South Central

The Banana Triathlon is back. Taking place at the iconic Dorney Lake, there are a total of SIX different takes on the triathlon theme which means there is something for everyone and anyone who wants ...
Sandwell Junior Triathlon 2021

27 June 2021 | West Midlands

A children's/youths open water and closed road cycle triathlon. Open water lake swim, followed by a closed road tarmac cycle circuit and a run circuit on pathways within the country park. Possibly the...
Dartmouth Triathlon
Dartmouth Triathlon

13 June 2021 | South West

Back for a 6th year, this sprint distance triathlon event offers a stunning course starting and finishing at Blackpool Sands beach. It’s a challenging course with some climbs but also flat sections ...
Newquay Tri: The Goat - Cornish Tri Series
Newquay Tri: The Goat - Cornish Tri Series

13 June 2021 | South West

Surfer’s Paradise, golden beaches and breathtaking cliff tops – Fall in love with Newquay at this stunning open water Tri. You won't get a more picturesque setting than from the transition zone an...
Dorney Lake Evening Triathlon

2 June 2021 | South Central

Set at the spectacular, flat and smooth-surfaced Dorney Lake near Windsor, this event takes you in and around the perimeter of the iconic water on a summer evening, whether for a quick workout in the ...
Wadebridge Tri - The Camel - Cornish Tri Series II
Wadebridge Tri - The Camel - Cornish Tri Series II

23 May 2021 | South West

Voted best pool Tri in Cornwall in 2018 and 2019. The Camel features a rolling bike course on quiet roads near the coast before following the scenic Camel Trail into the estuary on the run. Junior par...
Cotswolds Lake 62 Novice Events
Cotswolds Lake 62 Novice Events

22 May 2021 | South West

Distances: Duathlon: 3km run | 14km bike | 3km run Triathlon: 400m swim | 14km bike | 3km run Aquabike: 400m swim | 14km bike | 100m run Aquathlon: 400m swim | 4.5km run Event Course: The swim will ta...
Halesowen Triathlon
Halesowen Triathlon

20 September 2020 | West Midlands

Sprint distance pool triathlon.400m swim, 23k undulating bike around the scenic Clent Hills, flattish 5k run through local estate.Event T shirt, changing facilities, chip timing, refreshments.
Dorney Lake Triathlon

6 September 2020 | South Central

Set at the spectacular, flat and smooth-surfaced Dorney Lake, near Windsor, the course takes you onto the lake and around the perimeter of the water. With chip-timed results we try and make it as easy...

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