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Search results (255)
Birmingham Aquathlon 2019
Birmingham Aquathlon 2019

23 February 2019 | West Midlands

The University of Birmingham Triathlon Club are hosting The Birmingham Aquathlon for the fourth year in a row, with our new state of the art sports centre for the swim and the run route around our bea...
GO TRI Triathlon Redditch Duathlon
GO TRI Triathlon Redditch Duathlon

3 February 2019 | West Midlands

Your first step into the world of triathlon! This event is ideal for beginners / first timers wishing to experience multi sport events. This is one of many of our GO TRI events. This event will be an ...
GO TRI Wyre Forest Duathlon
GO TRI Wyre Forest Duathlon

25 November 2018 | West Midlands

Our GO TRI Duathlon event is aimed at anyone looking for an opportunity to take part in a multisport event.  The event starts with a 2.5km run, then a 6km cycle, and a final 2.5km run. The route ...
Burntwood Aquathlon
Burntwood Aquathlon

4 November 2018 | West Midlands

A popular race now in its 14th year. Classes suitable for all ages and abilities. The swim is in a modern indoor pool. The TriStars run is a multilap course on playing fields; the youths & adults run ...
SYTri Shrewsbury Junior Duathlon
SYTri Shrewsbury Junior Duathlon

6 October 2018 | West Midlands

SYTri (Shrewsbury Triathlon) welcomes you to the staging of its 'Junior Duathlon'.SYTri (Shrewsbury Triathlon Club) stage the event which provides a totally traffic free environment for all athletes b...
Shipston Dip and Dash
Shipston Dip and Dash

29 September 2018 | West Midlands

Friendly pool based aquathlon, prizes across all age categories. Suitable for novices as well as forming part of West Midlands Junior Race Series 2018.
GO TRI Meadowside Leisure Centre

16 September 2018 | West Midlands

Our GO TRI Aquathlon event is aimed at beginners looking for an opportunity to take part in a multisport event. This event is perfect for families, individuals or sporting clubs looking at trying some...
GO TRI Triathlon Rugeley (Sept)

16 September 2018 | West Midlands

Come and try a GO TRI event for complete novices to give the sport of triathlon a go. 250m (10 lengths) swim; 7.5 km (4.7 miles) bike on local roads; 2.4 km (1.5 mile) run around the local park adjace...
GO TRI Stourport Summer Duathlon Series Race 3

12 September 2018 | West Midlands

Our GO TRI Duathlon event is aimed at beginners looking for an opportunity to take part in a multisport event.The adult duathlon will consist of a 2.5k run, 10k bike and then a 600m run; the junior du...
GO TRI Warley WASPS Open Water Aquathlon (September)
GO TRI Warley WASPS Open Water Aquathlon (September)

10 September 2018 | West Midlands

A 400m open water swim at Netherton Reservoir, followed by a 3km run on multi terrain / canal towpaths which is very flat and traffic free. Entry fee is £7 and entry on the day is possible - cos...

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