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Search results (449)
The Derby Triathlon Club - Junior Triathlon 2021
The Derby Triathlon Club - Junior Triathlon 2021

4 July 2021 | East Midlands

This event is held fully within the grounds of Woodlands School, Allestree, Derby. For ages 8 to 16 (TriStars and Youth).The pool is 20m, so more lengths than usual, bike and run sections are predomin...
Banana Triathlon
Banana Triathlon

3 July 2021 | South Central

The Banana Triathlon is back. Taking place at the iconic Dorney Lake, there are a total of SIX different takes on the triathlon theme which means there is something for everyone and anyone who wants ...
Sandwell Junior Triathlon 2021

27 June 2021 | West Midlands

A children's/youths open water and closed road cycle triathlon. Open water lake swim, followed by a closed road tarmac cycle circuit and a run circuit on pathways within the country park. Possibly the...
Mallory Park Children's Triathlon 2021
Mallory Park Children's Triathlon 2021

19 June 2021 | East Midlands

This friendly children's triathlon will be held at Mallory Park on Saturday 19th June. A great location for beginner and experienced young athletes, a swim course where you are always close to the wa...
East Region IRC Selection Trials
East Region IRC Selection Trials

13 June 2021 | East

East Region IRC Selection Trials for TS2 & TS3 only. The assessments will be performed in a similar way to the performance assessments. The athletes will complete a swim time trial for their age g...
AJ Bell 2021 World Triathlon Leeds
AJ Bell 2021 World Triathlon Leeds

5 - 6 June 2021 | Yorkshire

The AJ Bell World Triathlon Leeds 2021 returns to the city for a fifth time on 5-6 June 2021, representing the pinnacle of triathlon competition in the UK and providing more than 5,000 recreational tr...
Wadebridge Tri - The Camel - Cornish Tri Series II
Wadebridge Tri - The Camel - Cornish Tri Series II

23 May 2021 | South West

Voted best pool Tri in Cornwall in 2018 and 2019. The Camel features a rolling bike course on quiet roads near the coast before following the scenic Camel Trail into the estuary on the run. Junior par...
Oldbury White Horse Children's Triathlon
Oldbury White Horse Children's Triathlon

1 May 2021 | South West

Distances Fun Run: 1.5km run TriStar Start: 50m swim | 1km grass cycle | 500m run TriStar 1: 150m swim | 2km grass cycle | 1km runTriStar 2: 200m swim | 3km grass cycle | 1.5km run TriStar 3: 250m s...
KidstriUK Bognor Regis Triathlon
KidstriUK Bognor Regis Triathlon

20 September 2020 | South East

KidstriUK Bognor Regis Triathlon uses the 'snake' swim course with individual starting, followed by shoe transition on poolside, then a run to the cycle/helmet in transition area. You're then out on t...
Ferndown Try a Tri for Adults & Children 8+
Ferndown Try a Tri for Adults & Children 8+

13 October 2019 | South West

A great triathlon for the whole family. The swim is in the 25m Leisure Centre Pool, the adult cycle is an out and back course and the run is a multi lap - great for spectators. The Junior event takes ...

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