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Search results (268)
GO TRI Hexham
GO TRI Hexham

7 April 2019 | North East

The first event in our GO TRI programme for 2019. This time leave your bikes at home and come and take part in an Aquathlon!This is a 200m swim in the pool at the Wentworth Leisure Centre followed imm...
Tyne Tri Lakeside Aquathlon
Tyne Tri Lakeside Aquathlon

7 April 2019 | North East

Adult and Junior Grand-prix aquathlon event for all ages. Great course for people looking to try out a multi-sport event or seasoned athletes out for a blast !! Making the most of one of north Tynesi...
GO TRI NE RFCA Cadet Duathlon
GO TRI NE RFCA Cadet Duathlon

31 March 2019 | North East

This GO TRI event is only for members of the MoD Sponsored Cadet forces and invited clubs.Please note, this is event is not open to members of the public - to find more GO TRI events please visit the ...
GO TRI Northumberland

24 March 2019 | North East

GO TRI event based at he Granary (Amble Health and Leisure Club) and is a brilliant venue for a first tri.For the adults and Youths, the swim is 200m in a 20m pool, the bike is 3 miles out and back on...
Sun City Duathlon
Sun City Duathlon

24 March 2019 | North East

An absolutely fantastic way to start your season. A straight up Run, Bike, Run - 5km, 20km, 5km taking in the superb recently developed coastal area of Seaburn, a fast and fantastic 4 lap bike course,...
GO TRI Hartlepool Santa Special Off Road Duathlon

1 December 2018 | North East

A fun off road duathlon taking place in Hartlepool Summerhill Country Park. Run past wildlife, cycle along trails and tree lined routes to experience this scenic off road duathlon. To make it Santa sp...
GO TRI Fausto Duathlon (in partnership with Sun City Tri Club and Wearside Triathlon)
GO TRI Fausto Duathlon (in partnership with Sun City Tri Club and Wearside Triathlon)

11 November 2018 | North East

A race designed for people who've never raced before or are very new to multi-sport.Juniors (age 9-14) 1.2km run/4km bike /400m run (£5 entry) Seniors (age 15+) 2km run/10km bike/2km run (£...
GO TRI Loftus Novice 3 2018

7 October 2018 | North East

Super Sprint pool based triathlon. 300m swim, 10km hilly bike and 3.2km run. Option to complete the bike element on a spin bike for those who do not have a bike or feel confident on open roads.
Hartlepool Big Lime Triathlon

30 September 2018 | North East

Open water sea swim 750m, in Jacksons Dock next to Hartlepool Maritime Experience and Historic Quay, 20km cycle on mostly flat, closed roads followed by 5km run along the promenade following the sweep...
GO TRI Souter Lighthouse - National Trust
GO TRI Souter Lighthouse - National Trust

29 September 2018 | North East

A Chance to explore Souter Lighthouse and the Leas whilst doing a GO TRI. 2.5km Run 7.5km Ride 2.5km Run All on the beautiful coast with viewing screens and wetland habitats. Aimed at beginners, this ...

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