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Search results (457)
AJ Bell 2021 World Triathlon Leeds
AJ Bell 2021 World Triathlon Leeds

5 - 6 June 2021 | Yorkshire

The AJ Bell World Triathlon Leeds 2021 returns to the city for a fifth time on 5-6 June 2021, representing the pinnacle of triathlon competition in the UK and providing more than 5,000 recreational tr...
Hampton Pool Sprint and Standard Distance Triathlon
Hampton Pool Sprint and Standard Distance Triathlon

31 May 2021 | London

First Stride Events have teamed up with Hampton Outdoor Pool for a 3rd year to offer a number of triathlon events through 2021. Join us on Bank Holiday Monday for a chip timed standard distance triath...
Wetherby Tri

31 May 2021 | Yorkshire

An open water tri with a choice of distances.2019 saw the successful introduction of a sprint distance, to this popular open water triathlon For both distances, you will start in the River Wharfe, fir...
Bedfordshire Triathlon

30 May 2021 | East

JOIN US FOR THE BEDFORDSHIRE TRIATHLON ON SUNDAY 30th MAY 2021.Active Training World are excited to announce the Bedfordshire Triathlon at Priory Country Park. The stunning 300-acre, award winning par...
Epicman Windermere

30 May 2021 | North West

EpicMan is the ultimate middle distance (Half Iron) triathlon. Based at YMCA Lakeside, on the shore of Lake Windermere; the 1.9km Swim takes place in the clear waters of Lake Windermere and is a singl...
Big East Triathlon

23 May 2021 | East

JOIN US FOR THE BIG EAST TRIATHLON ON SUNDAY 23RD MAY 2021.The Big East Triathlon has become a classic within the triathlon community.The event consists of a Challenge event with an 800m swim in the R...
Dorney Triathlon- 23rd May 2021

23 May 2021 | South Central

JOIN US FOR THE DORNEY TRIATHLON ON SUNDAY 23rd MAY 2021Take on a Sprint or Standard distance and take the opportunity to race around this unique and inspiring Olympic venue!! This event is non-draft ...
Hertfordshire Triathlon

23 May 2021 | East

JOIN US FOR THE HERTFORDSHIRE TRIATHLON ON SUNDAY 23RD MAY 2021.This event will feature sprint and standard individual triathlons, both with relay and aquabike options. The sprint distance triathlon i...
Horwich Triathlon

23 May 2021 | North West

Horwich Triathlon is known as 'The Race To The Pike'. It's one of the oldest triathlon events in the North West, dating back over 25 years.It starts with a 500m pool swim and then a 40km undulating cy...
The Marlow Classic

23 May 2021 | South Central

The Marlow Classic is a scenic course in the Thames Valley, taking in the views of Marlow and the surrounding areas.

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