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Search results (334)
GO TRI Velo Park Duathlon
GO TRI Velo Park Duathlon

1 May 2018 | London

A duathlon in the Velo Park in Queen Elizabeth II Park in Stratford - home of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Race starts at 7.30pm
Kingfisher Aquathlon
Kingfisher Aquathlon

29 April 2018 | London

The Kingfisher Aquathlon is a 400m pool swim followed by a 9km trail run around the grounds of Morden Park. The event uses the excellent facilities of Morden Park pool, the run in the park is complete...
Kingfisher Aquathlon - TriStars/Youth/Junior
Kingfisher Aquathlon - TriStars/Youth/Junior

29 April 2018 | London

The Kingfisher Aquathlon consists of a pool swim followed by a trail run around the grounds of Morden Park. The event uses the excellent facilities of Morden Park pool and the run in the park is compl...
Flight Centre Schools Triathlon - Royal Russell School
Flight Centre Schools Triathlon - Royal Russell School

22 April 2018 | London

This Team Triathlon event is a fun way for children and young people to be introduced to triathlon, whilst raising money for a great cause. The event will help raise funds for Restless Development and...
GO TRI Velo Park Duathlon
GO TRI Velo Park Duathlon

17 April 2018 | London

A duathlon in the Velo Park in Queen Elizabeth II Park in Stratford - home of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Race starts at 7.30pm
Hillingdon Spring Family Duathlon

15 April 2018 | London

A run bike run event on a purpose built, cycle circuit which is traffic free, and great for novices and young people.
GO TRI Velo Park Duathlon
GO TRI Velo Park Duathlon

3 April 2018 | London

A duathlon in the Velo Park in Queen Elizabeth II Park in Stratford - home of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Race starts at 7.30pm
GO TRI Velo Park Duathlon
GO TRI Velo Park Duathlon

21 March 2018 | London

A duathlon in the Velo Park in Queen Elizabeth II Park in Stratford - home of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Race starts at 7.30pm
GO TRI Velo Park Duathlon
GO TRI Velo Park Duathlon

14 March 2018 | London

A duathlon in the Velo Park in Queen Elizabeth II Park in Stratford - home of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Race starts at 7.30pm
VeloPark Roding Valley TC Womens Duathlon

11 March 2018 | London

The event takes place on the magnificent closed road circuit surrounding the 2012 Olympic velodrome in the Velopark, Stratford.The purpose built circuit is 1mile in length.The event format of run-bike...

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