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Search results (379)
Fareham Junior Triathlon

18 May 2019 | South Central

Fareham Junior Triathlon comprising of TriStar races for children between 8-16 years. Chip Timing, medal, and free event t-shirt for all competitors.
GO TRI Bayside Aquathlon

17 May 2019 | South Central

A beginner friendly swim/run event aimed at those taking their first steps into multi discipline sports will see you take on a 300m pool swim followed by a 3km run, or a 150m swim/1.5km run if your ag...

16 May 2019 | South Central

This GO TRI to be held at Lakeside in Eastleigh is going to be a super event. This swim/run or walk is perfect for the first timer to open water and multisport. The lake is great for beginners or thos...
Flight Centre Schools Triathlon - Bradfield
Flight Centre Schools Triathlon - Bradfield

12 May 2019 | South Central

The Flight Centre Schools Triathlon gives children aged 8-13 the chance to come together in teams of four and compete in their own event. All three sports are completed in a relay format, allowing eac...
GO TRI Green Park Ladies Only Triathlon

12 May 2019 | South Central

This event is tailored for ladies aged 15+ who want to take their first steps into the sport of triathlon, without the pressure of high numbers of competitors along with shorter distances.This event c...
Swashbuckler Middle Distance Triathlon

12 May 2019 | South Central

Swim 1.9km (river), Cycle 90km, Run 22kmset in the New Forest National Park on the Beaulieu Estate at the historic maritime village of Bucklers Hard
Twyford Kids Duathlon
Twyford Kids Duathlon

12 May 2019 | South Central

New Venue for 2019Due to the ongoing success of our Twyford Kids Triathlon we're very excited to be moving our Kids Duathlon to the same venue. The community of Twyford really gets behind ou...
GO TRI Hilsea Lido Aquathlon Challenge Series Event 1

10 May 2019 | South Central

Swim laps in 67m open air unheated pool. Run laps of tarmac terrace and paths. Adult and Junior distances, decide your challenge within your distance. No frills fun charity event, 5th year of Series. ...
GO TRI Oxford - Milton Park Series 28th April
GO TRI Oxford - Milton Park Series 28th April

28 April 2019 | South Central

200m pool swim, 11k quiet country (open) road bike and 3k mixed terrain run. Leisurely 3.30pm Sunday start. Spectathlete families and dogs welcome. Friends/family volunteers earn you a free space in t...
GO TRI Reading @ Green Park

28 April 2019 | South Central

GO TRI READING @ Green Park involves a 2km lakeside run/jog/walk, a flat 8km cycle ride (DON'T FORGET YOUR HELMET!), and then another 2km run/jog/walk to the finish.  The cost of taking...

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