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Search results (449)
Exmouth Triathlon
Exmouth Triathlon

19 May 2019 | South West

Exmouth Triathlon (Junior & Senior ) for all ages from 8+. This new event will start with the youth, junior and adult races at 8am to avoid traffic on the bike course. The traffic-free TriStars events...
Flight Centre Schools Triathlon - Marlborough College
Flight Centre Schools Triathlon - Marlborough College

19 May 2019 | South West

The Flight Centre Schools Triathlon gives children aged 7-13 the chance to come together in teams of four and compete in their own event. All three sports are completed in a relay format, allowing eac...
Newquay Tri: The Goat - Cornish Tri Series III
Newquay Tri: The Goat - Cornish Tri Series III

19 May 2019 | South West

Surfer’s Paradise, golden beaches and breathtaking cliff tops – Fall in love with Newquay at this stunning open water Tri. You won't get a more picturesque setting than from the transition zone an...
Tri Team Glos Young Triathletes 2019 Triathlon
Tri Team Glos Young Triathletes 2019 Triathlon

19 May 2019 | South West

This is the 15th annual young triathlete event which includes races from TriStars Start to Youth. It is held this year within the grounds of Tewkesbury School, Ashchurch Road, Tewkesbury. All levels o...
Bri Tri Kids Triathlon 2019
Bri Tri Kids Triathlon 2019

18 May 2019 | South East

The Bri Tri Kids Triathlon, in association with kidstriUK, takes place in Steyning, near Brighton and is a chip timed kids triathlon event with an indoor 25m 'snaked' pool swim followed by lapped bike...
Fareham Junior Triathlon

18 May 2019 | South Central

Fareham Junior Triathlon comprising of TriStar races for children between 8-16 years. Chip Timing, medal, and free event t-shirt for all competitors.
Crystal Palace Triathlon

12 May 2019 | London

Accurate sprint distance triathlon for adults. Event also has Juniors, Youths, TriStar 3, TriStar 2, TriStar 1 and TriStar Start. Friendly event for triathletes organised by triathletes!
Flight Centre Schools Triathlon - Bradfield
Flight Centre Schools Triathlon - Bradfield

12 May 2019 | South Central

The Flight Centre Schools Triathlon gives children aged 8-13 the chance to come together in teams of four and compete in their own event. All three sports are completed in a relay format, allowing eac...
Flight Centre Schools Triathlon - Charterhouse
Flight Centre Schools Triathlon - Charterhouse

12 May 2019 | South East

The Flight Centre Schools Triathlon gives children aged 7-13 the chance to come together in teams of four and compete in their own event. All three sports are completed in a relay format, allowing eac...
Mold Sprint Triathlon
Mold Sprint Triathlon

12 May 2019 | Wales

Now its 5th year the Mold Sprint Tri is moving to the sunnier & warmer days of May in 2019. Still an absolute must as an early season event for the experienced triathlete and super friendly for the no...

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