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Search results (1094)
On The Edge Triathlon and Compton Verney Sprint Triathlon
On The Edge Triathlon and Compton Verney Sprint Triathlon

8 August 2021 | West Midlands

Do3 is proud to announce that on Sunday 8 August 2021 we will be holding the inaugural 'On The Edge Triathlon'. This is no regular triathlon, this is something special.The middle distance and sprint r...
St Neots' Triathlon Series Race 2: 8th August 2021

8 August 2021 | East

Join us for the second of the three-race St Neots’ Triathlon Series this August. Whether you are an experienced athlete looking for a very fast time, or you are a novice competitor looking for a sa...
Stonehenge Triathlon
Stonehenge Triathlon

8 August 2021 | South West

A friendly atmosphere in the heart of Salisbury Plain. A 400m pool swim, followed by a picturesque, rolling 19km bike leg on quiet country roads, followed by a 5km run across the river Avon and out on...
Dorney Lake Evening Triathlon

4 August 2021 | South Central

Set at the spectacular, flat and smooth-surfaced Dorney Lake near Windsor, this event takes you in and around the perimeter of the iconic water on a summer evening, whether for a quick workout in the ...
Box End Triathlon- 1st August 2021

1 August 2021 | East

Join us for the Box End Triathlon this August, with the option for either a sprint, standard, or middle distance race. Box End Lake is purpose built for watersports, with immaculate water quality and ...
Carlisle Tri Club Triathlon
Carlisle Tri Club Triathlon

1 August 2021 | North West

A Sprint Distance Triathlon held in and around Wigton Baths, Wigton, near Carlisle. This event is designed to be suitable for all abilities, our quality events are renowned for being friendly and fun!...
Dorney Lake Triathlon
Dorney Lake Triathlon

1 August 2021 | South Central

Set at the spectacular, flat and smooth-surfaced Dorney Lake, near Windsor, the course takes onto the lake and around the perimeter of the water for the cycle and run. With fuel and water stations an...
Maldon Triathlon

1 August 2021 | East

JOIN US FOR THE MALDON TRIATHLON ON SUNDAY 1ST AUGUST 2021.This event will feature sprint and standard individual triathlons, both with relay and aquabike options. The Maldon Triathlon is based around...
Cowman, Calfman and Stampede Triathlon 2021
Cowman, Calfman and Stampede Triathlon 2021

31 July - 1 August 2021 | South Central

We are delighted to be back on 31st July and 1st August 2021 for the Cowman, Calfman and Stampede triathlon events at the stunning venue of Emberton Sailing Club in Emberton Country Park.The Cowman is...
The Snowman Triathlon
The Snowman Triathlon

31 July - 1 August 2021 | Wales

The Snowman Triathlon is undoubtedly the most stunning and toughest adventure triathlon in the whole of the UK! The weekend features a race for everyone:- The Snowman Standard Triathlon, Snowman Spri...

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