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Search results (402)
Midsomer Triathlon (Sprint)

24 September 2017 | South West

We welcome all abilities to the Midsomer Sprint Triathlon set in our rural Somerset town near Bath. The venue is family friendly and has an adventure play park and large skate park alongside. It's a 4...
GO TRI Torbay
GO TRI Torbay

17 September 2017 | South West

An event that's ideal for absolute beginners. A 396m (12 length swim) where you can stop as often as you like, a flat 5 lap bike course of 7.5km with a 2.4km run to finish.
Newent Triathlon

17 September 2017 | South West

Sprint Distance Triathlon.  400m swim, 18k cycle, 5k run. A friendly, local triathlon, suitable for first timers and experienced triathletes. 26 lengths of the pool, picturesque slightly undulati...
Torbay Triathlon
Torbay Triathlon

17 September 2017 | South West

Torbay Triathlon is for all ages from 8-99. This festival of triathlon will feature both junior races and adult races on the Sunday with distances to suit. This totally traffic-free triathlon is an id...
Jubilee Pool Aquathlon Series - Race 5

13 September 2017 | South West

Event open to both novice and accomplished competitors - 200m swim in saltwater lido followed by a traffic-free, flat 2 mile run.
Cotswolds End Of Season Standard Triathlon

10 September 2017 | South West

Distance:1500m lake swim | 41km road cycle | 9km lake path runEvent Format:The swim will take place in the beautiful lakes of the Cotswolds. The event will be a deep-water start with swimmers taking p...
GO TRI Easton Aquathlon 11

10 September 2017 | South West

This is our 11th GO TRI Aquathlon event and the third for 2017. Just perfect as an intro to the world of multi-sports but also ideal for those with experience wanting an opportunity to hone their trai...
Ilfracombe Triathlon
Ilfracombe Triathlon

10 September 2017 | South West

400m sheltered sea swim, 25km hilly bike, 6km on and off road run.
INTOTRI Cornish Tri Series - Penzance
INTOTRI Cornish Tri Series - Penzance

10 September 2017 | South West

JEWEL IN THE CORNISH TRI CROWNExperience the thrill of open water triathlons without leaving the comfort of the pool. Sea breeze, sun bathing terraces and turning buoys instead of lane ropes – Penza...
Cotswolds Individual Team Relay Super Sprint Triathlon

9 September 2017 | South West

What is Individual Team Relay Triathlon?An individual team relay triathlon is a team event where you are made up of 4 team members who will each complete a short distance in a race environment, using ...

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