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Search results (427)
GO TRI Local Mallory Park Duathlon - January 2022

5 January 2022 | East Midlands

GO TRI Local is for people that are brand new to swim, bike and run and looking to take their first steps in a safe and enjoyable environment. GO TRI Local takes place within the heart of your communi...
GO TRI Local Mallory Park Duathlon - December

1 December 2021 | East Midlands

GO TRI Local is for people that are brand new to swim, bike and run and looking to take their first steps in a safe and enjoyable environment. GO TRI Local takes place within the heart of your communi...
GO TRI Local Mallory Park Duathlon - November

3 November 2021 | East Midlands

GO TRI Local is for people that are brand new to swim, bike and run and looking to take their first steps in a safe and enjoyable environment. GO TRI Local takes place within the heart of your communi...
Derbyshire Duathlon
Derbyshire Duathlon

17 October 2021 | East Midlands

Carsington Water plays host to the Derbyshire Duathlon and trail run. This beautiful Severn Trent venue situated just south of the Peak District National Park in the Derbyshire Countryside has been ho...
GO TRI Her Spirit Nottingham

9 October 2021 | East Midlands

Her Spirit in partnership with British Triathlon are offering GO TRI events at Spring Lakes Water Sports Centre in Long Eaton, Nottingham. Our events offer a beautiful lake swim location and off road ...
GO TRI Local Mallory Park Duathlon - October

6 October 2021 | East Midlands

GO TRI Local is for people that are brand new to swim, bike and run and looking to take their first steps in a safe and enjoyable environment. GO TRI Local takes place within the heart of your communi...
30th Derby Triathlon

19 September 2021 | East Midlands

Derby Triathlon now in it's 30th Year is a perfect end of season pool based event attracting novices and seasoned athletes alike. The swim based in Etwall starts with a 400M swim, followed by an 18K r...
Darley Moor September Sprint Duathlon
Darley Moor September Sprint Duathlon

19 September 2021 | East Midlands

This is a non-draft legal, traffic-free duathlon on the Darley Moor race circuit. There will be up to three waves throughout the morning/early afternoon (ages are as of 31/12/2021). Each wave will b...
Darley Moor September Junior Duathlon
Darley Moor September Junior Duathlon

18 September 2021 | East Midlands

The Darley Moor September Junior Duathlon has races for Tristart through to Youths (8-16 years taken at the end of the year).The races are on the Darley Moor Race Circuit with the runs using the perim...
GO TRI Boston Triathlon

18 September 2021 | East Midlands

Juniors will swim, bike and run with distanced based on their ages. The swim will take place in the pool at PRSA followed by a bike around the track and run around the rugby fields. A fully enclosed r...

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