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Search results (379)
Team MK Kids Duathlon 2021
Team MK Kids Duathlon 2021

15 May 2021 | South Central

The Team MK kids Duathlon is a new event for 2021Races are open to all levels of ability no matter what your background, it's all about having fun. Race will be gear restricted with bike section on a ...
Formula 5 Duathlon

25 April 2021 | South Central

If you don't think you'll be able to get that swim training in for this year's triathlons, then the Formula 5 is a great challenge, (and excuse) to ditch that wetsuit for.The Formula 5 takes its name ...
GO TRI Reading @ Green Park April 2021

25 April 2021 | South Central

GO TRI READING @ Green Park involves a 2km lakeside run/jog/walk, a flat 8km cycle ride (PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR HELMET), and then another 2km run/jog/walk to the finish.  The cost of taki...
Thames Valley Spring Duathlon

17 April 2021 | South Central

Set at the spectacular, flat and smooth-surfaced Dorney Lake near Windsor, this event takes you around the perimeter of the iconic water.The legendary Eton Dorney, as Dorney Lake was called by London ...
Cowman, Longhorn, Calfman and Stampede Duathlons
Cowman, Longhorn, Calfman and Stampede Duathlons

18 October 2020 | South Central

Our tried and tested Cowman, Calfman and Stampede distances in the Duathlon form. For those athletes who prefer sport on land rather than in the water. The Duathlon takes place in the beautiful venue...
GO TRI Reading @ Green Park

18 October 2020 | South Central

GO TRI READING @ Green Park involves a 2km lakeside run/jog/walk, a flat 8km cycle ride (PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR HELMET), and then another 2km run/jog/walk to the finish.  The cost of taki...
GO TRI Reading @ Green Park

27 September 2020 | South Central

GO TRI READING @ Green Park involves a 2km lakeside run/jog/walk, a flat 8km cycle ride (PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR HELMET), and then another 2km run/jog/walk to the finish.  The cost of taki...
Conquer the Chilterns

20 September 2020 | South Central

Take part in Conquer The Chilterns this September, in the heart of the Thames Valley and only an hour away from London. This is one of the most scenic events in the country with a fantastic course aro...
Dorney Triathlon
Dorney Triathlon

12 September 2020 | South Central

The event is organised by ATW & RunThrough at the Olympic venue at Dorney Lake. This event will be a time trial based sprint distance triathlon. Pancake flat and super fast course! Anyone can enter t...
Dorney Lake Triathlon

6 September 2020 | South Central

Set at the spectacular, flat and smooth-surfaced Dorney Lake, near Windsor, the course takes you onto the lake and around the perimeter of the water. With chip-timed results we try and make it as easy...

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