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Visually Impaired Classification - PTVI

Classification for visually impaired athletes is conducted through two different organisations, the route you go down will depend on your experience within the sport:

  • British Blind Sport Classification
  • IBSA Classification

Within both systems athletes are classified as one of the following:

  • PTVI 1
  • PTVI 2
  • PTVI 3

The classification you are given represents your degree of visual impairment and dictates when you start in paratriathlon races. All PTVI classes compete together for a single medal, but they start on a staggered basis so that the first athlete to cross the line is the race winner. Those given a classification as PTVI 1 start the race first and have a time advantage to cater for the fact that they are competing without any sight. The PTVI 2&3 athletes then start together (3minutes 21seconds behind for men and 3minsutes and 48seconds for women).


British Blind Sport Classification

For new entrants into the sport and those competing at National level we use the British Blind Sport (BBS) classification system.

You will need to complete a sight classification form  which can be found on the BBS website. The BBS website then explains what you need to do to have this form completed. BBS will then send you a certificate which defines your classification status and eligibility to compete in sport for visually impaired athletes. The paperwork will then need to be submitted to British Triathlon and signed off by our Chief Classifier. Please contact British Triathlon for details of how to submit your BBS classification certificate.


IBSA Classification

For those who have aspirations to compete at International level we utilise the IBSA system. The IBSA system is used across all international sports organisations for Visually Impaired athletes. We use this system so that we can achieve the most consistent results and ensure that athletes subsequently moving to international classification will have the same classification result nationally and internationally. 

As athletes go on to compete on an international basis then they will go through the IBSA classification process again with World Triathlon.


Apply for Classification 

If you would like to enquire about getting a classification please contact British Triathlon

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