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UPDATE: London League Race Series for 2013

The London Region would like to announce a change to the previously announced events in the 2013 London League Race Series. The Optima Aquathlon 11th May is NOT in the London League for 2013 - capacity issues. However the event does remain a Junior Series event. The committee would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused - a replacement event is being scoped and we'll keep you in updated.

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Hillingdon Triathletes Spring Duathlon

Only a few days until the first of Hillingdon Triathletes extensive programme of events at Hillingdon Cycle Circuit (Minet Park) starts on 24th March 2013. Got to be worth an early season test of the legs!

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North London Coaching Conference 2013: 22nd - 24th March - bookings now live

Triathlon England in London has teamed up with the conference organisers Middlesex University and PRO-ACTIVE North London to offer Triathlon coaches access to a wide range of workshops. Please circulate to anyone you think may be interested.

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London Triathlon Club Survey

Calling all London triathlon club secretaries or chairs.

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