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Increasing and Growing Regional Clubs

Two-way communication with London Clubs

John Lunt and Tom Chant supported by Jon Train, are tasked with the ongoing process of informing and listening to the London Clubs and all other TE members in the Region. The first point of contact for London Region remains with the  Region Manager (RM), Jon Train, however the Regional Committee has an important role in ensuring information about the Region – its Leagues, Academy, Junior Training Squad, IRC’s, coaches and officials - is communicated to the Clubs and TE members in the Region. It also needs to be able to receive feedback, issues and ideas from the Clubs and TE members in the Region.  

Triathlon London Annual Awards Event

The Triathlon London Committee are tasked with fulfilling Triathlon London's commitment to hosting an annual event at the end of this season where the Regional Clubs and members come together to celebrate the achievements of the last year. We will aim to have representation from every club in the region and encourage recognition of the Region’s strength and depth across all age-groups.

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