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British Championships 2024: Your Official Guide


Each year thousands of British Triathlon Home Nation Members compete across the country in various disciplines to become British Champion and 2024 is no different. With eight British Championships up for grabs, including two para accessible events, there is something for everyone.

Enter the British Championships here. 

The championship season starts on 24 March with the British Paraduathlon Championships and the British Standard Distance Duathlon Championships at Oulton Park. The Paraduathlon Championships, which also doubles up as the opening round of the British Triathlon Paratri Super Series, sees the athletes compete over a super sprint distance. They will cover a 2.5km run followed by a 10km bike leg before ending with a 1.25km run. 
For those in the Standard Distance Duathlon Championships, the race starts with two laps of the 4.3km track before heading into transition and out on the bike for 38km (nine laps of the track). Participants will then cross the line after another lap of running around the track.  

The first triathlon of the season takes place on Sunday 9 June with the iconic Windsor Castle as the backdrop for the British Standard Distance Triathlon Championships at the Royal Windsor Triathlon.  

The race starts with a 1.5km swim in the River Thames, then,after a quick stop in transition, a 40km bike leg leads participants out into the surrounding area to take in the sights of Windsor. A royal ending and a fitting way to crown British Champions comes on the 10km run that’ll take on three laps of the royal grounds and incorporates the Long Walk in front of Windsor Castle.  

Next up, it's then time to get your team together and head to Cholmondeley Castle for the first ever British Mixed Team Relay Championships. Teams of four will all complete a triathlon with the goal of becoming British Champion. The race takes place across the castle grounds with a 250m swim, followed by a 4.2km bike ride. After the final athlete completes the 1.5km run we’ll know the innaugrual  British Mixed Team Relay Champions.  

Enter the British Championships here. 

Our second para championships of the year kick-starts a run of three British Championships in eight days, as the British Paratriathlon Championships takes place at Arctic One Tri and Paratri Festival. The home of the London 2012 rowing events, participants will start the race with a 750m swim in the iconic Dorney Lake. The 20km bike and 5km run legs take place in the areas surrounding the lake for a flat course on closed roads.  

A day later, the British Middle Distance Triathlon Championships takes place at Tribourne Long Distance Triathlon. Participants start with a jump off Eastbourne Pier into the 1.9km swim. It’s then out onto a 90km bike ride that has a couple of hills for participants to take on as they head into transition for the second time. A fast and flat 21.1km run along the seafront then brings the race to an end.  

On 21 July we step away from swim, bike, run, for swim and run as Barry Island hosts the British Aquathlon Championships. A 750m sea swim gets things underway before a 5km run that takes in the island’s landmarks and sees participants cross the line on the Barry Island Promenade.  

The season comes to an end on 17 August at Mallory Park with the British Sprint Triathlon Championship. Doubling up as a 2025 European Championship Sprint Triathlon Age-Group Team Qualifier, the race starts with a 750m swim before the bike leg takes participants around nine laps of the 2.2km Mallory Park Circuit. The 5km run to finish off sees participants complete four laps of the lake.  

Enter the British Championships here. 

To be able to become British Champion, participants must ensure their British Triathlon home nations membership is valid no later than by 17:00, three working days prior to the championships. Particpants must also have a Core or Ultimate membership to become British Champion. To become a member and be eligible to become British Champion click here.  

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