British Technical Officials appointed to Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games


The International Triathlon Union (ITU) has recently announced the 82 Technical Officials for Tokyo 2020, including three of our very own!

Great Britain’s Sarah Taylor-Hough and Howard Vine have been appointed as Technical Officials for the Olympic Triathlon from 27 July to 1 August; with Maisie Bancewicz officiating at the Paratriathlon event from 29-30 August.

All three have considerable officiating experience at major international events, such as the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games and the ITU World Triathlon Series, experience which they will draw upon in Tokyo next year.

“I’m absolutely delighted to have been selected to join the TO team for the 2020 Paralympics” commented Maisie. “It’s been a long way from my first event at Loch Lomond Triathlon in 2005; from the ‘bonnie banks’ to Tokyo Bay - what a journey!”

Howard says “When I started out in 1996 as a BTA Referee it never crossed my mind that one day I would get the opportunity to work on an Olympic Games. I enjoy every event, and I always come away having learnt something and with a better understanding of what needs to be delivered.”

A total of 42 nations will be represented in the triathlon officiating team, with a number of nations including Bahrain, Germany, Mauritius, Romania and Trinidad and Tobago; being represented by Technical Officials at the Olympics or Paralympics for the first time.

Congratulations Sarah, Howard and Maisie on your appointments, we wish you every success next year!

Inspired by Sarah, Howard and Maisie? Technical Officials are a key volunteer group and play a vital role in the development and delivery of triathlon. We are delighted to be able to outline our vision for the next five years through our first Officiating Plan, as we seek to create a world-leading pathway that recruits, supports and recognises Technical Officials operating across the sport.

We’ve created an ambitious Officiating Plan that we believe reflects the ambitions of our organisation and the expectations of our Technical Officials, event organisers and members. You can download and read a copy of the Plan via the button below.

Interested in becoming a Technical Official? The next courses will take place in early 2020, but if you would like to register your interest please email and we’ll be in touch.

British Triathlon Officiating Plan

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