
GB Age-Group Team medal rush in Hawrelak Park


The Great Britain Age-Group Team has continued its medal-winning success at the TransCanada Corp. World Triathlon Grand Final Edmonton, winning one gold, nine silver and three bronze medals in today’s (Friday 29 August 2014) ITU Sprint Triathlon Age-Group World Championships.

The sprint distance races got today’s action packed schedule underway at 7am this morning before the elite triathlon racing starts with the ITU Triathlon Junior World Championships that feature Brits Sophie Coldwell, James Teagle and Chris Perham.
The Great Britain Age-Group Team was 195-strong with Team Manager, Mike Griffin confident of a successful day of racing despite tough competition. “There is no doubt there will be strong representation from the host nation and I would expect a full capacity team from the USA. This will lead to some fierce competition and medals will be hard to win, however the GB team will rise to the occasion I'm sure”, said Mike earlier this week.
The racing didn’t disappoint and it proved tough out there for the Great Britain team. Edward Castro (25-29) won Great Britain’s only gold medal in the sprint distance event. Edmonton is only the second time that Edward has competed for Great Britain, with his last race in the 2013 ITU Aquathlon World Championships in Hyde Park where he finished eighth. He obviously got the bug in London and came back in style this year. 
The earlier finishers also included four silver medallists from Great Britain including Hannah Johnston (20-24), who improved on her sixth place finish from 2013, debutant Claire Vallance (35-39), Stephanie Mottram (25-29) and Paul Ryman (30-34). The silver medal for Paul is a great result having won the bronze medal in Hyde Park last year and will ensure he is full of confidence going into the standard distance event on Monday, in which he also competes.
Great Britain celebrated a further five silver medals with 2013 world champion, Joyce Mark (55-59) collecting silver alongside June Farnorth (60-64), Marilyn Mitchell (70-74), Judith Mackay (75-79) and Geoffrey Gearing (80-84).
Three bronze medals were won by Great Britain today with Imogen Simmonds (20-24) celebrating a medal in her first outing in a GB tri suit. 
Michael Smallwood (65-69) also celebrated winning bronze, a repeat of his 2013 performance in London and an improvement on his fifth place finish in Wednesday’s aquathlon. With two races under his race belt already, the action won’t stop there for Michael, who has another chance to aim for the podium in Monday’s standard distance race.
Great Britain’s final bronze medal went to last year’s runner-up, Peggy Crome. The bronze is Peggy’s second medal of these ITU World Championships having won a silver medal in the aquathlon on Wednesday.
Malcolm Westwood, British Triathlon Director for Age-Group Teams celebrated the performance  of the team commenting: “I’m delighted with the performances of the team today. The competition has clearly been very tough, especially with large teams from both Canada and America, and our GB athletes have done extremely well to come away with 13 medals. 
“Of course, it's not only about the medals and I’m always thrilled to see our Great Britain Age-Group athletes deliver their own personal World Championship performances that signify the end of a long spell of training and preparation. The Team Managers and support staff have also done a great job getting the athletes ready for this race and I look forward to Monday when our Standard Distance athletes continue an already successful Championships."
All attention will now turn to the elite paratriathlon and triathlon races that will take place over the course of Friday, Saturday and Sunday before age-group racing returns on Monday for the standard distance event.
Update 1 September
Since this item was published June Farnorth has been promoted to the gold medal position in the 60-64 catergory.
GOLD (2)
M25-29  Edward Castro
F60-64  June Farnorth
F20-24  Hannah Johnston
F25-29  Stephanie Mottram
M30-34  Paul Ryman
F35-39  Claire Vallance
F55-59  Joyce Mark
F70-74  Marilyn Mitchell
F75-79  Judith Mackay
M80-84  Geoffrey Gearing
F20-24  Imogen Simmonds
M65-69  Michael Smallwood
F70-74  Peggy Crome

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