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Selby teenager second youngest triathlon coach in Britain


Alana Reveley made her dream come true earlier this year by completing British Triathlon’s coaching qualification to become the Yorkshire’s youngest triathlon coach at just 15 years old.

After taking up the sport eight years ago, Alana completed her first race a year later. Since then, she has represented her region at the British Triathlon Inter-Regional Championships, a national competition that sees triathletes from across Great Britain compete in regional teams. 

Alana says: “Being Yorkshire’s youngest triathlon coach feels amazing. I wasn’t actually aware of that when I put myself down to do the course, I just wanted to do it because I’ve always wanted to be a coach.” 

And now she is volunteering at her local triathlon club, Swans Triathlon Club, coaching adults and children and young people. 

She adds: “I’ve been injured, so coaching’s really helped me because I’ve still been able to get involved with the club even though I’ve not been able to train.  

“I've always liked to inspire people and it’s great to know the younger members of the club can see someone coaching who is similar to their age.  

“I like being able to know that I'm helping other people on their triathlon journey and meet their own goals that they're trying to achieve.” 

Being a coach has not only impacted the people she works with, it’s also had a positive impact on Alana.  

Her mum, Amanda, who is also the club’s secretary, says: “She's willing to speak up a little bit more since she went on the course. She’s more willing to ask people questions or tell them things and give advice. But for Alana, it's always been about that next step and that family community.”  

If you’re interested in getting involved in your local triathlon club, you can find your nearest club at  

To learn more about becoming a British Triathlon coach and following in Alana’s footsteps visit: 

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