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Welsh Triathlon Academy Application

The application window is now open and will close at 5pm on 29th August 2024.

For applicants aged 16-18 years old as of 1st September 2024, please click here

For applicants aged 13-15 years old as of 1st September 2024, please click here.

Applications are open to all Welsh Triathlon members* who will be aged between 15 and 19** by the 31 December 2025 i.e. will be a Youth A, Youth B or Junior in the 2025 season. Athlete age for Academy selection is taken as age on the day (1st September). Athletes who are selected will remain on the WTAP until the following September. Applications will require athletes to evidence the following distances:

Athletes aged 13, 14 & 15 on 1st September 2024:

Swim: 50m, 200m and 800m

Bike: Dustbin Test (more information can be found here).

Run: 400m and 1500m

Athletes aged 16, 17 & 18 on 1st September 2024:

Swim: 50m, 400m and 1500m

Bike: Dustbin Test (more information can be found here).

Run: 400m and 3000m

The profiling tables used to score an athletes performance can be found at the bottom of this page.


* To find out more about becoming a member, please click here.


**Performances will need to be verified e.g., appear on the British Swimming or UK Athletics databases. Alternatively, performances can be coach verified and the athlete must submit the coaches name and email address alongside video evidence.

Please note that GPS files (Garmin/Strava etc) will not be accepted as evidence as we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Any performances which do not have supporting video evidence will not be accepted.


Welsh Triathlon uses a swim/bike/run profiling table to indicate an athlete’s age and stage potential at this level of the Pathway. The scores required vary depending on an athlete's age and are shown in more detail at the bottom of this page.

Swimming, running and the requisite performance behaviours play a big part in Academy selections and are the priority at this stage of the Pathway. However, the Dustbin test on the bike determines an athlete’s basic technical ability. Athletes who do not have any cycling or triathlon experience are very much encouraged to apply and if selected into an Academy will be supported to develop their riding.

*applications are considered from athletes new to the Academy aged 18 and 19 assuming such athletes are on a rapidly improving trajectory and/or new to the sport.


Minimum Scores To Be Considered

Development squad - 16/30 points are required.

Transition squad - 12/30 points are required.

* All point scores are the minimum required to be considered for selection and meeting these does not guarantee selection.


Context Factors

  • Race Experience- how much have you raced. What level of racing have you competed in.
  • Training Load/History- how much training have you done across swim, bike, run over the last few years.
  • Maturation/Relative Age Effect (RAE)- What stage of biological maturation and physical development are you at? RAE refers to the concept that children born early in their year of birth perform more highly than children born later in the same cohort. 


Male profiling table 

Female profiling table 

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