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Search results (35)
Windrush Aquathlon

30 June 2019 | London

The Aquathlon is the annual Windrush Triathlon Club sports event held in the surrounds of Brockwell Park. Incorporating a swim in the Brockwell Lido and run over the undulating park, the event provide...
GO TRI Team Steadman – Wilmslow
GO TRI Team Steadman – Wilmslow

12 May 2019 | North West

Don’t worry if you didn’t get involved in Tri January – this event is open to everyone!We have teamed up with British Triathlon to offer you and your mates the opportunity to take on...
Llanelli ParaTriathlon
Llanelli ParaTriathlon

11 May 2019 | Wales

A 750m open water swim with a 20km flat bike course on closed roads and a 5km run along the Coastal Path. Perfect course for staging a Paratriathlon event
Bedford Autodrome Duathlon
Bedford Autodrome Duathlon

7 April 2019 | East

2019 BRITISH TRIATHLON STANDARD DISTANCE DUATHLON CHAMPIONSHIPTraffic-free, fast and very flat non-drafting standard distance duathlon. The Bedford Autodrome Duathlons are based around the beautiful a...
Windrush Aquathlon

24 June 2018 | London

The Aquathlon is the annual Windrush Triathlon Club sports event held in the surrounds of Brockwell Park. Incorporating a swim in the Brockwell Lido and run over the undulating park, the event provide...
GO TRI Arctic One Tri and Para-Tri Festival
GO TRI Arctic One Tri and Para-Tri Festival

28 May 2018 | South Central

The Arctic One Tri and Para Tri festival is now in it's 4th Year and we are really excited to be incorporating an ITU World Paratriathlon Cup this year! The race takes place in the iconic Dorney Lake,...
Llanelli ParaTriathlon
Llanelli ParaTriathlon

12 May 2018 | Wales

A 750m open water swim with a 20km flat bike course on closed roads and a 5km run along the Coastal Path. Perfect course for staging a Paratriathlon event
GO TRI London Aquatics Centre Last Chance Triathlon

7 October 2017 | London

THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL The Last Chance London Aquatics Centre Triathlon is available for both adults and children to take part.The event will start at 11am with waves begining every 15 minutes.
British Paratriathlon Championships
British Paratriathlon Championships

28 August 2017 | East Midlands

Mallory Park will play host to the 2017 British Paratriathlon Championships.  The undulating and technical bike course is the perfect place to showcase Paratriathlon talent.
GO TRI London Aquatics Centre Longest Day Triathlon

29 July 2017 | London

The first London Aquatics Centre Triathlon is taking place on the 10th June 2017 featuring a 200m Swim, 5km bike distance and a 3km Park Run.The event will start at 11am with ...

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