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Search results (35)
TriLiverpool - British Triathlon Championships Liverpool

10 August 2014 | North West

This years event will be held at the Echo Arena, with age-group transition held inside the arena. The course takes in all the famous sights of Liverpool, including the Liver Buildings and Albert Dock
PruHealth World Triathlon London

31 May - 1 June 2014 | London

Part of the ITU World Triathlon Series, featuring the best triathlete in the world. Also including ITU Paratriathlon Event and Age Group races
Llanelli ParaTriathlon

17 May 2014 | Wales

The 1st ever Welsh Paratriathlon - a 750m open water swim with a 20km flat bike course on closed roads and a 5km run along the Coastal Path.
British Elite Duathlon Championships

30 March 2014 | East Midlands

Taking place at Rocking Motor Racing Circuit in Corby, this race features all elite categories and a £5000 prize fund. The multi-lap format makes for an excellent spectator expereince
British Triathlon Championships Liverpool

13 July 2013 | North West

The event, which will take place over the weekend of 13 and 14 July 2013, is expected to attract thousands of athletes competing for the following British Championships: British Elite Sprint Triathl...

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