British Paratriathlon Champions Crowned


Dorney Lake welcomed top domestic paratriathlon talent on Saturday 17 July for the British Paratriathlon Championships.

On one of the hottest days of the year so far, paratriathletes from across the national performance landscape made their way to Buckinghamshire to test themselves against the best in the country to be crowned national champion.

Heading to Tokyo 2020 this summer, Michael Taylor (PTS4), Claire Cashmore (PTS5) and Melissa Reid and Hazel Macleod (PTVI athlete and guide) all came away with gold at the weekend as they count down the weeks until they travel to Japan.

Taylor, who came second in 2019, went one better this year as he recorded the fastest time of the day across all classifications, finishing in 00:59:02.

Crossing the line behind Taylor on the men’s PTS4 podium were Leigh Bland and Jim Ashworth-Beaumont.

With Reid winning the women’s PTVI race, the parallel men’s race saw Oscar Kelly (guided by Mael Bely) and Rhys Jones (guided by Rhys James) register near identical times, with Kelly finishing in 00:59:50 and Jones 00:59:51. The pair lined up against one another with their guides having already competed domestically and internationally in the same races this year.

Hannah Moore, who has British Championship, World Championship and World Series medals to her name, came out on top in the women’s PTS4 category. Moore crossed the line in 01:11:06, with Shona Brownlee and Tammy Pullen finishing second and third.

Other champions on Saturday were: Georgina Lord (women’s PTWC), Bret Crossley (men’s PTWC), Chris Arthey (men’s PTS2), Tom Carus (men’s PTS3) and Michael Salisbury (men’s PTS5).

To view the full results, please click on the button below.


The British Paratriathlon Championships provide the opportunity for athletes across the paratriathlon programme to compete on the national stage, with a number of up-and-coming athletes taking the opportunity to compete against some of the world’s best athletes.

To find out more about paratriathlon and how you can get involved in swim, bike, run events as a para athletes, please click here.

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