British Paratriathlon Team Joins REACH Family Weekend


Claire Cashmore and David Hill to hold triathlon taster session and more on October 19th for the children and families of REACH.

Paratriathlon World Champion Claire Cashmore and former British champion David Hill are hosting a weekend of family events in aid of REACH, a charity supporting children affected by upper limb difference.

Growing up, both Cashmore and Hill faced similar obstacles to the children that REACH supports. Still the pair have won paratriathlon medals on the national, European, and global stage and have competed at the Paralympics in numerous swimming events. The two have excelled in sport, with Cashmore acting as the reigning ITU World Champion and Hill taking the title of British champion in 2014.

The taster sessions involve static bike activities with monitored feedback as well as a chance to meet even more Paralympic heroes such as Paralympic bronze-medallist Amy Marren. The athletes will also hold a talk at the REACH annual conference to discuss the work they do and to promote the idea that a disability doesn’t have to be limiting.

Claire Cashmore said: “I 100% believe sport changed my life and gave me the confidence to be happy within my own skin and I really hope that by showing REACH members some of the opportunities that are out there through sport it can hopefully have the same effect for other REACH members.”

The REACH family weekend takes place at the Bristol City Centre Marriott Hotel, from 18th – 20th October. For more information, click below.


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