Cream of the club crop go centre stage in Spain


A busy weekend for triathlon, this weekend also sees the best of Europe’s clubs do battle in Banyoles for the ETU Triathlon Clubs European Championships.

Arragons Cumbrian Triathlon Club and Hoddesdon Tri Club successfully secured their British tri suits after qualifying at the Triathlon Relays in Nottingham in 2015. The mixed-team format saw two male and two female athletes each take on a 300m swim, 5km bike and 1.5km run, with the top performing teams in the heats successfully gaining the honour of competing for Great Britain.

The teams were due to compete at the 2015 Championships in Nice, however bad weather conditions prevented the event from taking place. A year on and the competition is set to commence this coming weekend (Saturday 3 September).

Both teams will face competition from a further 19 quartets across Europe as they each tackle a 300m swim through the Banyoles Estuary and 6600m bike around the coastline perimeter before taking on a 1600m run to the finish. The race will take on the ITU relay competition format, whereby each team member will complete the entire course before the next member can begin.

Action will commence at 9am (local time) Saturday 3 September. Follow @ETUtriathlon for race updates and for more information, please visit here.

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