
GB Age-Group Team qualification returns to Shropshire


The qualification events for the ITU Standard Distance Triathlon World Championships begins this weekend on Sunday 25 May at Shropshire Triathlon, providing the first opportunity to qualify for the Great Britain Age-Group Team.

The standard distance event will see triathletes complete a 1500m swim in The Mere, a challenging 39km cycle around the Shropshire countryside, and finishing with an “out and back” 10km run through the nearby village of Sandyhill.
Competition for a place on the team in Edmonton is sure to be fierce following the success of the 2013 London ITU Triathlon World Championships held in Hyde Park. Last year, the 1,200 strong Great Britain Age-Group Team capitalised on a home advantage to win 30 gold, 31 silver and 22 bronze.
Ian Kitchen, Great Britain Age-Group Team Manager for the standard distance team in Edmonton is looking forward to the final qualifier commenting: “I’m really looking forward to the start of the GB Age-Group World Championship qualification process this Sunday at the Shropshire Triathlon in Ellesmere - a great event at a great venue. We are sure to see some very competitive racing across all age groups as athletes look to secure places for Edmonton from the first of the three qualifiers to be held over the next month.”
The deadline to register your intent to qualify at Shropshire Triathlon on is 5pm on 23 May 2014. 

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