New Transgender inclusion in domestic sport guidance launched


UK Sport, Sport England, Sport Wales, sportscotland and SportNI have launched their new Transgender Inclusion in Domestic Sport Guidance.

British Triathlon welcomes the new guidance, which was robustly researched, with data collected from over 300 respondents representing 175 organisations. 

The new guidance will be used by the British Triathlon inclusion team to review and amend the sport’s policy and ensure that the sport is as inclusive as possible.

Andy Salmon, British Triathlon CEO, said: “British Triathlon and Triathlon England welcome the publication of the new guidance for such an important topic that affects sport across the country and around the world.  

“We will now take some time to digest and work out how it can be utilised to take further steps to make swim, bike, run as inclusive as possible whilst protecting the concepts of fairness and safety.”

More information and the guidance can be found here

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