
Stanford Receives MBE in Windsor Castle Ceremony


Former world champion Non Stanford has received her MBE from Prince William, The Prince of Wales, in a ceremony at Windsor Castle.

Stanford was nominated in the King’s Birthday Honours list, alongside former British Triathlon Chair and President Ian Howard, and after retiring from competing in the sport now holds a position at British Triathlon’s Performance Centre in Leeds, where she uses her experience, knowledge, and skills to support the next generation of athletes.

Her MBE is a deserved reward for a highly successful career that saw her win 21 senior medals and become the first woman to become U23 World Champion and senior World Champion in consecutive years, before retiring as European Champion in 2022. A vocal advocate for athletes’ rights she has since gone on to sit on both the British Olympic Association’s Athletes’ Commission and World Triathlon’s Athlete Committee and was also appointed to World Triathlon’s Environmental Sustainability Commission.

Reflecting on the day, Stanford said: "To be recognised for my contribution to triathlon seems ironic when triathlon has given me so much more than I ever feel I could give back. Since retiring as an athlete, it has been a privilege to continue working within the sport, and while I am excited to be able to give back in these small ways, I’m sure in reality sport will continue to enrich my life more than I can ever enrich it. I'm lucky to have enjoyed many highs during my career, but this award certainly stands alongside them and is something I am incredibly proud of." 

Bill James, British Triathlon Chair, said: “I would like to start by congratulating Non on her well-deserved MBE. I have had the pleasure of knowing and working closely with her for a number of years, and she is a true champion of our wonderful sport. This award speaks volumes to her contributions, and she can be very proud of the hugely positive impact she continues to make both here in the UK and on the world stage.”

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