The week is over but the pledge is not


Coaching Week 2020 has been shining a light on great coaching in sport and how everyone can get involved and support coaches in the work they do.

Above: British Triathlon CEO, Andy Salmon, makes British Triathlon’s #GreatCoachingPledge.

The #GreatCoachingPledge campaign from UK Coaching has encouraged athletes, organisations and the public to make a pledge to support coaches, with British Triathlon pledging to support them in the work they do.

Providing high quality and beneficial CPD opportunities is key to this, with the availability of two series of vodcasts and webinars, workshops and the opportunity to come together and share ideas in the Coaches’ Corner Facebook group.

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Giving people the chance to support coaches practically, Activator and Level 1 courses have also been launched. These qualifications provide opportunities to develop skills and confidence to assist more highly qualified coaches in leading sessions.

Get Involved

During the week, British Triathlon’s Head Coaches on both the Olympic and Paralympic Programme made their #GreatCoachingPledge alongside programme athletes Alison Peasgood and Sam Dickinson.

You can join the campaign by making your pledge and posting it on social media using #GreatCoachingPledge and tagging us in (@BritTri) to show support for your coaches.

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