This Girl Can - Eddie


Meet Eddie Brocklesby, our latest ambassador for Sport England's 'This Girl Can' campaign. An inspiring document proving it really is never too late to take a leap of faith...

"Mother of three, grandmother of four, social worker for 50 years, my husband died at the age of 54. The feeling that `I am the lucky one` is with me always, determined to make the best of life and make a difference for others where possible.

After an un-sporty youth my sole achievement was representing Nottingham University at the twist! I only started running and thinking of entering a half marathon at 50 yrs. A doctor/ friend had advised me to get my bone and muscle strength up pre-menopause as women are at four times greater at risk of osteoporosis. Then my husband challenged `you couldn’t even run 3 miles`. Oh yes I can!  And I did. 

But the support of my small running club was invaluable when I was widowed, far better than counselling and they offered me the club place in London Marathon. Injuries and arthritis in my knees, the fear of the long term consequences of extensive running influenced my conversion to triathlon. I couldn’t swim more than a width of awful breast stroke but slowly I learned to do the crawl and did my first London Triathlon in 2000 at the age of 57. It was such fun, chatting to the canoeists as I swam. 

I was hooked. I loved the atmosphere and camaraderie.

Then a fellow Serpentine Running Club member told me about  duathlons – I entered my first one and  found later the race was qualifier for the Worlds, and I was the only over 65! Suddenly with three months to prepare, I was en route to the beauty but cold rain of Affoltern in Switzerland. Again what a great atmosphere. As I gingerly descended the wet mountain a Serpie came bombing past `isn’t this fantastic` she called. I took my hands of the brakes and indeed it was fun.  Slowly my oldie USA competitors dropped out, and suddenly I was on a podium – a world Duathlon Age-Group champion – or rather the only `older woman` to finish!

I had supported my son several times in the Lanzarote Ironman – an island I love. So with trepidation, I entered in 2009 – the support running from bar to bar is unique, the encouragement all the greater as midnight approaches – Kona was nothing like such fun! I went back to Lanzarote in 2013, by now 70yrs old – again the support all around the island was fantastic. My aim was to get a smile out of every policeman around the route. I did!

I have gained so much personally from triathlon – fun, networks, friendships, energy and confidence and above all a recognition that it is never too late to start. So many people say to me `I wish my Mum (or my Dad) did more exercise like you`. So we set up Silverfit Charity in 2013, with the aim of promoting physical activity and wellbeing in our ageing population, enabling older people to make new friends and lead an independent life for longer. ‘These Oldies Can’ perhaps?

This year, now 72 yrs, I experienced failure in Lanzarote. It wasn’t the best of conditions, my swim was awful and I only managed 100k of the bike before realising I wouldn’t make the cut-off (along with many others). I hesitated – am I really too old for this? A son texted `the Legend is fading fast, maybe time for the blue rinse`. I panicked.

But were the knees too arthritic? Could I ever improve my swimming? A week later I signed up for Ironman Vichy at the end of August. Hopefully this time, `This Older Girl Can`."

Photography by Gavin Edmonds.


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