This Girl Can - Nina


We chose Nina as one of our ‘This Girl Can’ champions for her dedication to every aspect of our sport. From being an avid competitor to winning the Triathlon England South East Official of the Year in 2014, Nina has truly given back to the sport which has offered her so much.

We chatted to Nina about her journey:

“I became interested in triathlon in the early 80's after feeling that I had met the challenges of running; having completed several marathons including London, Berlin and Boston.

“I was enthusiastic and fell in love with it from the start and Ironman triathlete Dave Scott quickly became my hero.

Being involved with the sport has been so much fun for me – a highlight perhaps is racing in one of the first trisuits manufactured. Multi-coloured and flamboyant, I sure made an entrance!

“I have so many happy memories from my life within tri - I still have pictures of me leaving the sea covered with sewage and racing on the bike with a huge helmet; it was well before the time of aero-helmets! I’ve enjoyed all the races I entered over the years, although my cycling discipline was never quite up to Wiggins standard.


“I attended the first referee training course sometime in the 90's run by Ian Pettitt. I had given up racing by then but had managed to do everything but an Ironman (one of my greatest regrets). I now spend my time refereeing races in the southeast as well as mentoring new referees in the area.

I’m still enjoying the changes and have an ever-growing interest in triathlon, it really has been amazing.”

Nina picked up the Triathlon England South East Official of the Year last year, much to her surprise;

“It was a complete shock as really, I am only doing what I enjoy and have loved for over 25/30 years. I love that the races incorporate various levels and ages, but have a particular love for refereeing children's races -their enthusiasm is wonderful!”


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