Tri-Anglia and GreenlightPT crowned winners of Super League Triathlon Arena Games Club Championships


Supported by British Triathlon and powered by virtual racing platform Zwift, the SLT Arena Games London Club Championships Powered by Zwift saw 981 athletes from 127 clubs compete in a three-week event made up of six races.

Whilst the clubs involved all benefitted from the virtual community building that the championships offered, two clubs, Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club and GreenlightPT left the championships as overall winners after its finale.

The final day of the championships saw the women cycle 19.7km across Tempus Fugit in a time trial race. Tri20 Triathlon Club’s Ellie Gosling earned the club 15 points by finishing in 1st place. Gosling was joined in the podium positions by Andrea Vaughan of Berkshire Tri Squad and Rachel Mcknight of Redcar Triathlon Club respectively.

The men’s podium positions were dominated by 2020 Triathlon Scotland Club of the Year, TrYthan. Club members Mark Mccluskie and Dennis Chalmers took 1st and 2nd place running the 11.1km London Classique route. Mccluskie has enjoyed great success across the running based events in the championships, taking top spot in all three races. Joining the TrYthan athletes in the top three for the final race was Off That Couch Fitness’ Steve Clark.

Despite reduced success as the championships came to a close, it was Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club and GreenlightPT that were crowned overall victors for the men and women respectively.

Tri-Anglia had 39 club members earn a point towards their 184-point total, including Oliver Milk who earned 30 points from two victories in previous weeks and Matthew Ellis who earned 27 points after featuring twice in the podium positions.

GreenlightPT had 21 members contribute to their winning total of 102 points. Their chief earner was Jane Ritchie with 23 points after consistently placing in the top-ten of all three running races. Sarah Ritchie also performed strong, taking 19 points and finishing 2nd in the championship’s penultimate race.

Super League Triathlon’s Arena Games travels to London on 27 March and Rotterdam on 18 April where it will feature an array of elite triathlon and paratriathlon stars. Find out more information about who’s racing and how to watch using the button below.


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