This Girl Can February


Natasha completely encompasses the complete message that ‘This Girl Can’ portrays. For reasons many of us can relate to, she became complacent and got stuck in that all too familiar rut. However, she managed to turn it all around...

"Rewind the clock four years and relationship and lifestyle problems saw me five stone heavier than what I am at now. It was on catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror one day that I decided to actually do something about it as it was making me increasingly unhappy.

I took the plunge and began working with a trainer. Using the gym, walking more, mixing with new people and eating healthier than I ever had done before, the weight started falling off.

I decided a year later to try my hand at open water swimming.  Gradually I began light jogging too and soon after, a friend of mine mentioned cycling. I hadn’t ridden a bike since my school days, but as the saying goes - you never do forget! I picked it back up quite quickly.

It occurred to me that triathlon was the obvious answer. I signed up to the Clitheroe Triathlon – my first, which was a massive challenge for me. Because of my swim time, I was placed in the top wave with all the best triathletes – it frightened the life out of me!

But fully determined, I managed to get round (in a fashion). I began to train a little more and my fitness picked up. I actually started to enjoy it more and my competitive streak appeared!

I signed up to the Fleetwood, Ribby Hall and St Anne's triathlons and won the Veteran 40 category and finished in the top 3 ladies in the Pendle triathlon. I even managed to qualify for the 2015 Geneva ETU Sprint Distance Triathlon European Championships, where I’ll be representing the GB Age-Group team in July

Now I want to give people the kick that they need to achieve their goals - for fun, weight loss, social or competitive. #ThisGirlCan – so can you."


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