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Skills School debuts in Devon

Saturday (17 September) welcomed the first Triathlon England Skills School day to Torbay Leisure Centre and Velopark in Paignton, Devon; offering young athletes an introduction to duathlon.

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Final Skills School Pilot Day Before Launch

The eastern region hosted the final Skills School pilot day before the launch of the national programme last weekend. 10 young athletes from across the region attended Hadleigh Country Park for a day focused on cycling skills and open water swimming.

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Bridges announced as latest Skills School Regional Lead

The final Regional Lead Coach for the soon-to-launch Skills School project has been successfully recruited, resulting in a full compliment of ten Lead Coaches across England.

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Skills School Lead Coaches Announced

After an extensive recruitment process, British Triathlon is pleased to announce the Lead Coaches of the Sport England-funded project, Skills School.

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New opportunity announced for qualified triathlon coaches

'Strength and Conditioning for Triathlon Coaches' announced by the Coach Development team as a new CPD workshop for triathlon coaches.

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International Coach Development Programme a success

Earlier this month, British Triathlon and the International Triathlon Union joined forces with UK Sport International Development to deliver a coaching programme to the African Triathlon Union, in a bid to grow the sport across the continent.

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Triathlon workforce celebrated at British Triathlon Awards

In an evening aimed at celebrating the performances of the Great Britain and Home Nation teams, the Coaches, Volunteers and Officials who underpin the sport have also been recognised by the Leigh Day British Triathlon Workforce Awards at the British Triathlon Awards Evening on Saturday 14 November 2015.

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Tell us your experiences

Sports coach UK and Sport England are conducting an exciting piece of research with sport participants and want your opinions.

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Triathlon England launches Skills School

Skills School is an exciting and innovative new initiative from Triathlon England that will better support the development of young triathletes and Children’s Club Coaches in each region.

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Coaching Competition

Are you a coach? Would you like to win a Great Britain T-shirt signed by Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee, Non Stanford, Vicky Holland and the rest of the Elite Senior team who were at Vitality World Triathlon London? Read on to find out how.

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