South Central

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Triathlon England South Central Junior Triathlon Series 2015

Want to race the Junior Series in the South Central Area, then read on! 7 Events, including a sea swim if you want it. Across the region. Good luck. This should be read in conjuntion with the news about racing the IRCs!

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IRC 2015 Selection Criteria

If you want to know how you might represent the region in the IRC's this year then read on. Please read in conjunction with the news about the Junior Triathlon Series 2015 Good Luck

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South Central Regional Academy

At the end of 2014 we were excited to announce the set up of the South Central Regional Academy which is a place to provide guidance for triathlon coaches, clubs , parents and young athletes who aspire to compete at Olympic level within the sport of triathlon.

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Teaching the Freestyle Stroke to Beginners – Swim Smooth Course - Course postponed

The South Central region will be holding a Swim Smooth teaching beginners freestyle course at Wellington College in Crowthorne . This course was due to take place on the 15th March but due to unforeseen circumstances with Swim Smooth has to be rescheduled. A date will be confirmed by the end of February.

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#GiftMembership - enjoy the gift of Triathlon England membership

There are a whole host of exclusive member benefits for Triathlon England individual members!

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Coaching Courses

In November the South Central region have seen two Level 1 coaching courses start . This will bring 27 new assistant coaches to the area which is much needed with the growing number of clubs in our region.

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GO TRI in the South Central

GO TRI in the South Central is set to take off next year in a big way! This exciting venture means that we are able to introduce people who have never considered doing a triathlon or any type of event to the sport.

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Coaching courses - Level 1 and 2 in Hampshire

Due to demand we have an extra level 1 and level 2 course happening this month at Highfield School in Liphook, Hampshire.

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Funding for Clubs in SC Region

If you are a club looking for funding, download the application and apply!

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Stolen Bikes

Its that time of year again, darker care with your bikes

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